Nesta palestra abordarei minha experiência como fundador e editor principal do periódico Materials Research. Ibero-American Journal of Materials das associações científicas nacionais ABM, ABCeram e ABPol, durante 13 anos, e como editor do Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids da Elsevier nos últimos 2 anos. Apresentarei algumas estatísticas relevantes sobre o número de artigos submetidos, cidadania dos autores, percentual de aprovação, evolução dos respectivos fatores de impacto, etc. Concluirei comentando as dificuldades, lições aprendidas e passos futuros de ambos periódicos, além de algumas sugestões para autores e editores
Prof. Dr. Edgar Dutra Zanotto
Professor Zanotto has coordinated about 20 research projects funded by government agencies and an equal number by industry. The fundamental research activities of EDZ and his collaborators comprise the theme "crystallization kinetics and properties of glasses and glass-ceramics." The technological research performed by Zanotto’s team includes projects in partnership with about 20 companies. EDZ is most interested in the development of new glass-ceramics with improved or new functionalities. He holds 12 registered patents, two of which have been awarded prizes by IBM, and the Invention 1996 "State Governor Prize".
EDZ has published about 160 original and review papers in peer reviewed journals, plus about 50-70 papers in conference national periodicals and conference proceedings, 15 book chapters, 2 books, and has advised about 55 MSc, PhD and post-doctoral research projects, plus about 80 scientific initiation projects.
EDZ is an Editor of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids and member of the international advisory boards of four other glass-related periodicals: Materials Research (former editor), International Journal of Applied Glass Science, Boletin de la Sociedad Espanhola de Ceramica y Vidrio, and Cerâmica. He is a former member of the advisory board of: Verre, e-Mat, TechBahia, Pesquisa Fapesp, and Latin American J. Solids and Structures.
He is a member of the World Academy of Ceramics, the Academy of Sciences of the Developing World (TWAS), the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the São Paulo State Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the SGT (UK). He has chaired five of the most important international glass congresses, and delivered about 90 invited talks at national and international scientific conferences, plus approximately 50 talks on FAPESP’s funding programs and about 50 invited seminars at universities and industries. He has received 24 awards, including the Brazilian Order of Scientific Merit (Comendador) given by Brazilian president L. I. Lula daSilva, the TWAS Engineering Prize 2010 and three of the most important international glass research prizes (the Zachariasen Award 1990 by the J. Non-Crystalline Solids, the Gottardi Prize 1993 by the International Commission on Glass and the G. W. Morey award 2012 by the American Ceramic Society).
EDZ has contributed to academia, industry and society in the several executive and consulting positions he has held: Adjunct coordinator of funding agency FAPESP’s scientific directorship in the period 1995-2005, co-founder and former director of the SBPMat (Brazilian MRS), past vice-president and currently Counselor Emeritus and Director of the Brazilian Ceramic Society; head of LaMaV – UFSCar, Curator of the São Carlos City High Technology Park; Director of the São Paulo Academy of Sciences; founder and President of Vitrovita – the glass-ceramics innovation institute; Chairman of the TC7 (Crystallization Committee of the ICG); Council Member of the International Commission on Glass (ICG), Council Member of the International Ceramic Federation, and of the Board of Directors of the International Materials Institute (NSF – USA).
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